Monday, December 4, 2006

Picture of the Day

Now, some people may consider this morbid or untactful, but not me. Now, when you look at this picture what is the first question that pops into your mind. "Did that dirt come from the cemetery?", right. First you dig a huge hole in the ground and drop in the casket. A casket takes up quite a bit of room. So what do they do with the dirt that is left over when the hole is filled? you guessed it "Free Fill Dirt". But, once again dear reader, you would be wrong. There is actually a construction site just off the right of the picture. But, I think the first assumption is funnier. Sick, morbid, or just hilarious? Why don't you let me know. Drop a comment or send me an email. Let me know what you think. Remember, I created this Blog for you guys. The people that need a pick me up in the morning, or a laugh after a hard days work. Don't forget, I also post funny videos, too. Check them out at my page on funniest spaces.

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